The Corona Concerts
Reviews &
Press Clippings

From Libby's Bouquet in "PANORAMA PRESENTS" the Maimonides Newsletter:
Edwin is very special to us. He touches our hearts, not only with his musical abilities and passion, but as a caring human being, Whatever he plays pleases us. At the end of every performance he thanks us, which is very touching. Edwin, I want you to know that we appreciate you and thank you. Don't ever change and stay with us as long as you can.
Sheila at Maimonides
He rocks, he boogies and he can play the classics with mastery. Where did he come from - a time capsule? He looks like D' Artagnan. I don't know which was more fun, watching him or the residents watching and really enjoying his show. Bravo! and thanks.
Libby at Maimonides
Comments from Facebook:
Dec. 30, 2018
Love it. Thank you for the lovely tribute. It has always been an absolute pleasure my brother❤❤😍😘
Jillian Deevy
Dec. 30, 2018
It’s as perfect as you are. 🎼🎶👏👏👏👏👏
All your hard work on the webpage paid off.
Nechama Surik
Dec. 29, 2018
Dan Laxer
Dec. 29, 2018
Very nice and simple
I love it
About Richard, I am sorry for your loss ...
Matt Mardini
Dec. 29, 2018
Soooooo good!!!!!!!
October 23, 2016
Edwin. First off, let me say sorry for leaving earlier than expected last night. I had a 4 am start time with clients who are in the UK this week and have limited availability to chat about their project. Secondly, I wanted to say just wow! This was the first time I have gotten to see you perform, and perform your own work on top of that, and I was just blown away. I am so so so impressed with your talent and ability to compose such beautiful music not just for your talent on piano, but for those haunting strings as well. What struck me as very surprising was that your music was so visual, if that makes sense. I was able to visualize images while listening, with your music acting as a score for my imagination. Once again, very impressed and very moved. Cheers!
Josef Konrad Radomski
Comments from Email:
Dec. 30, 2018
WoW. What an amazing webpage which covers everything possible.
All your hard work pais off. Your range of talent is unbelievable.
Dec. 28, 2018
Wonderful to hear from you. Thank-you for the seasonal greetings, as well as sharing your updates regarding contact information and website. I will particularly be looking forward to your thirteenth album; Did you know that my birthday is on the thirteenth of June? Lucky thirteen! 😊 Blessings to both Nechama and yourself!
Kevin and Susan
Comments from the "Leave a comment page":
Oct 13, 2012 15:44:24
Edwin's a blast. I had such fun sharing the stage with him. His talent and enthusiasm makes each piece an event. The audience just loved his originals and his covers. Heart and soul and chops. That's Edwin.
Breen LeBoeuf 2012
Sept. 8, 2008 22:45:32
Hey how've u been edwin, u know me try to figure out who i am hehe. Love yur web page.
April 19, 2008 11:17:25
Hello edwin,
im the guy who was sitting next to you in the bus last night. I listened to a couple of your songs and they're really good. I do not know much about piano but it sounds great. You also have a good biography and a lot of accomplishments. I hope you'll continue to have a successfull career and I wish you the best. Maybe we will meet again.
February 07 2008 19:39:25
Dear Edwin,
I just wanted to say that I am so very happy for you and proud to be your friend. I look forward to your concert and listening to the magic you make. Take care of yourselves and hope to hear from you soon.Your friend,
April 20, 2007 15:10:53
I remember both of you.
Thank you, very nice.
Wishing you everything that is good!
March 6, 2007 22:27:49
I send love, smiles, concideration, respect,
good thoughts and best wishes but I will keep all of my hair !!!
I hope you are doing well Edwin
All the best to you and your gal
February 18, 2007 07:01:10
Hey Edwin,
Just wanted to let you know that we really enjoyed your web site. You have been such a source of inspiration to Scotty and a really positive influence in his life. You came into my life so spontaneously all those years ago and now your a major role model for my son. Miracles never cease. Thanks for being you and may success crown all your efforts!
Robyn (and Scotty)
January 23, 2007 20:46:23
I love that piece! It's awesome and you play it so well! more power to you!!!
January 16, 2007 10:12:19
Wow-I love the website. But was having some difficulty watching the video-it kept stopping and playing some of Edwin's beautiful music. MAybe I will just drop by your place soon and watch it there! Teda's doing really well-I will keep you posted. Love, Hugs, and Kisses to you both,
January 13, 2007 20:19:08
Hey Edwin:
How do you know my buddy Bobby Lee Silcott what a small world really it is...
Bobby was in my class in High school I have his CD
January12, 2007 17:42:01
well, intriguing to be sent to your world.I am intrigued. alot of info in your website.and the video/audio footage is always a winner. I am on my way to the bahamas and will be back around the end of february.take care my friend...and your lady is quite the match for you !!!!congrads on all your good fortune.
December 3 2006 22:02:42
My treasure,
I am so proud of you. You are the best man a woman could ask for and I I am a lucky woman.
Yours forever,
August 23 2006 14:54:35
Hey there!
Well, I've perused the site, and I must say...I love it! It's obviously taken a lot of time and effort and it shows. My congratulations to Nechama for the great award she received, she sounds great. Keep up the good work, and add me to the mailing list! (Or just keep me up to date when you've got free time)
July 7. 2006 00:40:04
Checked out your pages after running in to you tonight, had a little look and listen - Nice, all you do for others too. Glad you're on a gratifying path...
March 20, 2006 22:15:54
Bonjour Edwin,
J'ai découvert ton site web et je le trouve très interressant. Cela ma permis d'en apprendre un peu plus sur toi et de voir ou tu es rendu. Tu as réaliser un très beau cd pour les amoureux de la danse. Je te souhaite de continuer à réaliser tout tes rêves.
Une ancienne collègue de travaille, Patricia
Feb 16, 2006 17:21:10
My mother just e-mailed me to say that she met you at the bookstore she volunteers at...and sent me the url for your site... well funny thing, I had never heard of you prior to last Thursday when you played piano for the school concert at Elizabeth were just fantastic by the way. I will take the time to look over your site, at this point I just checked to see if the "Edwin" I saw last Thursday and the one on this site were one and the same. My son plays piano so I will have him look over this site too. Once again really enjoyed your playing!
Jan 29, 2006 23:22:34
I think that you are such a beautiful piano player.I heard you at St-Andrews and your music is so great
Don't ever loose that GREAT TALENT you have.
Jan 4, 2006 10:09:14
Just a note to say hi from Egypt n happy new year! all the best.
sharon blauer
Jan 4, 2006 09:40:54
Hi Edwin and Nechama,
I just wanted to wish you both a very happy, healthy and prosperous new year. We miss you - please don't forget to contact us when you have a performance. It's always great to spend an evening with such a talent! Talk to you soon,
Dec 3, 2005 13:59:28
Hi Edwin,
I heard your CD "Somebody's watching you" and it is fantastic from a friend Keith Race. I also met a drummer from your band last September. I wish the both of you the best in life. Your CD is a real inspiration. Thanks for that
Dec 1, 2005 21:20:16
Dear Edwin....Hello from Saskatchewan..
Thank you so much for fulfilling my request to you of dedicating some songs to my Mom and Dad..Ettie and Israel Shragie on the occaision of their 59th wedding anniversary...Nov.24/ and Nechama definitely helped make it special for them.Congratulations also on your production ..Music of the Dance with the Dalal Saikali Dance Project...Mom and I were in was delightful. I just finished listening to "Smile Baby Smile"...took me 10 minutes to boot it in the boonies I only have access to dial is a treat to listen to....and what an awesome message. I shall look forward to hearing you again on my next visit to Maimonides...I am seeking out Dr.Hook's Greatest Hits...I did so enjoy your playing Freaker's Ball and a few of the other dittys you played. I shall put your site under my Favorites and visit it and happiness to you and yours....season's greeting...peace to all....
.thanks again dear friend......Lanna
November 22, 2005 08:12:17
Hi Edwin!
I don't know if you'll remember me...I'm Ettie& Israel Shragie's youngest daughter. We met about a year ago...I'm the one who took pix of you with my folks.
If you get this e-mail before (or close to) Nov 24...I wanted you to know that Nov 24 is my parents' 59th wedding anniversary. I think you know how much joy you bring into both their lives!!
A wish from you would mean the world to them!!
Thank you so much for all that you do for my parents and the rest of the community!
All the best to you and your family.
Hope to see you soon!
Maureen Shragie
October 28, 2005 - 09:09 PM
dear edwin
it has been awhile since we have spoken. I am sorry for the way i disappeared. I do not have a computer so if you reply, it may be awhile. I would like to hear you play again, my old friend. do you remember me
October 20, 2005 - 08:17 PM
arrrrgggg.....sorry I spelled Nechama's name wrong.....please forgive
October 20, 2005 - 08:14 PM
Hey I just checked out your site (like I said I would). It was very interesting to read about your life and your family history. Actually, it inspired me to research and put to writing, my own family's story. It probably was cathartic having to re-live, in words, the not so great times.
I also see where Nechema got the inspiration to write 'Smile Baby Smile'; your smile is infectious. (Glad I play a small part in keeping it bright)
hugs....Peggy (flowernose....teehee)
October 10, 2005 - 08:41 PM
You rock buddy! Awesome sight! keep bein'good
October 04, 2005 - 04:40 PM
Dear Edwin,
I don't normally get into that type of Internet web pages, but that's wounderful.
You don't know me, but Nechama does. She made me look at this pages and I have to say that she is right. I am impressed and will come to see your show as I will still be in Montreal.
I hope that you know that you are a very very lucky man. Nechama is a gift to humanty.
All the best to you both and see you on November 19.
October 01, 2005 - 06:49 AM
Hi Edwin,
I finally saw your web site. Its awe inspiring. You have lived already nine lives. Please check out my father's web site at He was a painter. Are you still taking on more piano students? If so, how much do you charge per hour and what is your availability?
Thank you,
Charles Leibovitch
September 08, 2005 - 11:15 PM
Hiya Partner.
Guess it's time I sign your guestbook, I've been here enough times.
I want to congratulate you on the fantastic journey that has led you to where you ar today. Thanks for being my friend, thanks for challenging me to Think and Love more deeply than I do and thanks for your Faith in me. (I'm praying hard for inspiration and courage) Alrighty, hope this message reminds you that you have someone who cares about you tremendously and who wants to see you shine with all the might of a hundred galaxies.
Love, Dxxx
OH, and kiss that lovely lady of yours for me
July 04, 2005 - 04:00 PM
hey is that girl from NDG
me and my mom would like to know where is gona be your next show or jam, we d love to go see you play very soon!!!
Love the website!!!
see you around.
May 02, 2005 - 10:55 AM
dearest Edwin and Nechama, so pleased
so proud of what you are doing -
i love passionate people
you are passionate
therefore i love you....
(probably i would love you anyway but
the passion makes it so easy!)
what gifts you are to each other,
to the world of people
and the world of music!
So glad that you are my friends!
and your website is totally enviable!!!
love always
April 17, 2005 - 03:11 PM
Ok, I'm not from Afghanistan but the computer offered it to me first, and it's more exotic than Vancouver.
Edwin, your perseverence and optimism in the face of adversity (read: life) is tremendously inspiring. I especially loved the story you told me recently about playing Zappa for the seniors -and their positive response. You remain the same bold and mischievous spirit I remember meeting in 1984!
April 06, 2005 - 08:33 PM
Hey Edwin,
This website is superb and insightful, and lovingly detailed.
May good music always find you in great spirit. Rock On!
Your friendy, Wendy|
April 05, 2005 - 10:11 PM
Dear Edwin and Nechama,
It's so exciting to see your web site. I will of course read it thoroughly and comment in the future but for now I must say I am proud that we are related. I will listen to the music on the web but I am looking forward to getting the new CD. A lot of luck. You look wonderful, both of you. I will be in touch.
Love you. Dalia
April 03, 2005 - 02:21 PM
Oh Edwin, I loved reading your story, I feel like I have even learned more about my old friend! Your website is great, I loved listening to your "Somebody" album, I swear time has flown by so quickly... I hadn't realized that was from over 9 years ago!
Oh, and so mch congrats on falling in love with such a sweet woman!
Love Ya' forever and ever!
March 21, 2005 - 01:20
Wow nice site, and i see you're playing Place des Arts , Good for you.
You'll blow them away,you always do.
March 17, 2005 - 05:37 PM
Edwin, your website is amazing. Great job, Bob. Jan just sent me the link. You're a great singing teacher, Edwin. What makes you great is your passion for music AND your patience in transfering your knowledge. I hope to see you on stage one day!
I wish you all the best,
Claudia =O)
March 05, 2005 - 11:22 AM
My treasure Edwin,
You are the best (on line or "off line"...) You got it all. Your web page is amazing
I love you,