The Corona Concerts
Composer, Concert Pianist and Entertainer
Edwin Orion Brownell
Solo and with the Zara Strings
The Corona Family Concert Series is over but what a ride we had!!! Thanks to everyone who participated and shared this wonderful community. Come here to see all four series!!!

Founder of the Corona Family Concert Series, Edwin's music helped bring the world back together after COVID-19 tore it apart. See the story on Global News: Please turn up the volume and watch!!!
Edwin's new album "Romance" was launched at the 133rd Corona Family Concert on July 17th here!!!

To watch Edwin's live-streamed Corona Concerts click here.
To buy Edwin Orion Brownell's music click here.
To leave a comment click here.
What the reviews are saying:
Brownell has taken it upon himself to create a concert series live at home, every Saturday night since March 2020, gathering an average of 100,000 views in total. Most of these concerts are from his broadcast studio in Montreal’s Notre-Dame-de-Grâce neighbourhood.
The series has also been a great aid for families who are mourning their loved ones during the pandemic, and musician Brownell created the series in hopes to give support to the ones suffering during these dark times.
Victoria Bakos, Global News, July 2021
The Corona Family has reached out to help others as well. It raised over $5,000 with fundraisers for Lebanon and for India COVID Relief with Oxfam-Quebec ....
In sheer technical terms, Edwin has been able to achieve TV broadcast quality ..... during the third Corona Family Concert Series from November 2020 to July 2021.
Mike Cohen, Montreal Jewish Magazine, July 2021
“I think it’s almost a healing session because you’re there and you know there’s other people like you that are working very hard to make this thing work,” said Lucie Tremblay, director of nursing for CIUSSS West-Central Montreal. “People that saw things that weren’t very pleasant for example, seeing a lot of very sick patients, people in ICUs, people being in hospital for a very long time or seeing people dying ..."
“So, having this time together to share our experiences, and to have a session where we were all together knowing that we were there for each other and taking the time to enjoy beautiful music, I think that was very comforting.”
Lucie Tremblay, Global News Interview, July 2021
Bravo to musician extraordinaire Edwin Brownell who recently celebrated the one year anniversary of his Corona Family Concert Series with show number 117 ... Since mid-December alone, well over 1,000 households have viewed each concert, and the energy is so positive it is hard to describe.
The Suburban, March 2021
“Edwin Orion Brownell has just launched his Third Corona Family Concert Series via Facebook ... Upwards of 1000 people see each concert ... from every continent and from most countries on earth."
Mike Cohen, December 2020, January 2021
"Brownell's performances have garnered critical acclaim from Brooklyn to Berlin, filling concert halls from Montreal to Morocco."
NDG Free Press November 2012
“An expressive pianist with a knack for melody, Brownell as a solo performer draws from both his jam-happy roots influences and formal music training. ”
Lynn Saxberg, Ottawa Citizen, Thursday May 10th, 2012
“When a musician of Edwin’s talent and ability performs it has a powerful effect”
Maimonides Perspective 2005
(He) displays his virtuosity through rapid-fire arpeggios and modal runs.”
NDG Free Press November 2012
“A mixture of blues and classical . . . The three pieces that flow into one another in The Water Sprites are enchanting. His Faery Gallop is absolutely wonderful.”
The Montreal Chronicle 2005
“Tremendous playing . . . (his) left hand arpeggiation was flawless.”
“Geebz” 2006
“A terrific keyboardist . . . with marvelously agile fingers”
Glebe Report 2006
“His compositions are dramatic and emotionally charged: there is gentleness and there is power.”
The Montreal Chronicle 2006
"Edwin Orion Brownell could make the piano really sing . . . When he finished, he finished to a standing ovation and applause, applause, applause . . "
Cote St. Luc Bulletin, 2008